Trinity Basketball Club

Trinity Basketball is a values-based club. We subscribe to the belief that not only is sport great for our children's physical and mental wellbeing, it teaches them life skills such as how to be part of a team, take feedback, win and lose. Sport allows kids to build relationships with new friends, role models and community members outside of their other activities. Team sport in particular gives our children a sense of belonging. The Trinity Basketball Club aims to foster these values and will uphold the fabulous Trinity Code of Conduct.

The Committee

The Trinity Basketball Club is parent-led. The Committee members are:

Interim President – Dan Hogg

Vice President – Paul Clancy

Secretary – Simone Jarratt

Treasurer – Ben O’Connell

Pathways – Renee Vanegmond

Registrar – Elisa Arcus

College Pathways – Simone Jarratt

Merchandise Coordinator – Anthea Mulholland

Communications / Team App – Kathy Fletcher

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